Les républicains absents évitent la NGA

ATLANTIC CITY, NJ — Il y a 26 gouverneurs républicains. Trois d’entre eux se sont présentés ici cette semaine à la réunion annuelle d’été de la National Governors Association. Et parmi ces trois, un est parti après la première nuit, et un autre n’a eu d’autre choix que d’y assister – sa présidence du groupe … Read more

Turkey raises fuel tax by 200% to fund earthquake damage

(Bloomberg) – Turkey raised its fuel taxes by nearly 200% on Sunday, a move that will amplify inflationary pressures and further strain household budgets. Bloomberg’s Most Read New special consumption taxes on different types of fuels — including petrol and diesel — have been published in the Official Gazette. The increase will help meet funding … Read more

Students struggling with hunger risk losing their food stamp benefits

WASHINGTON (AP) — Raised on welfare by his grandmother, Joseph Sais relied so heavily on food stamps as a student that he considered quitting school when his eligibility was revoked. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Sais said, he missed an “important letter” and temporarily lost his eligibility for SNAP, the foundational anti-poverty program commonly known as … Read more

Après une fusillade de masse, le chef du quartier de Kansas City pointe le manque de protection policière

En cas d’urgence à Oak Park à Kansas City – une zone longtemps en proie à la violence armée – certains habitants choisissent de ne pas contacter la police, selon le président de l’association de quartier, Pat Clarke. Au lieu de cela, dit-il, ils l’appellent. “Beaucoup de gens se sentent plus en sécurité ou se … Read more

Iran’s morality police return to the streets after protests in new campaign to enforce Islamic dress

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Iranian authorities on Sunday announced a new campaign to force women to wear Islamic headscarves and vice versa returned to the streets 10 months after the death of a woman in their custody sparked nationwide protests. The morality police had largely withdrawn after the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini … Read more