EU concerned about Chinese export controls on metals used in chips

BRUSSELS (Reuters) – The European Commission on Tuesday said it was concerned about China’s planned restrictions on exports of strategic metals widely used in the semiconductor industry and doubted the move was security-related.

China said export controls on gallium and germanium products since Aug. 1 were aimed at protecting national security.

“The Commission is concerned that these export restrictions are related to the need to protect world peace as well as stability and the implementation of China’s non-proliferation obligations under international treaties,” a doorman said. -speaker of the Commission during a daily press briefing.

The EU executive, which is assessing the potential impact on global supply chains and European industry, said it called on China to limit export restrictions to “clear security considerations” in accordance with the World Trade Organization rules.

The Commission has identified these two rare elements as “strategic” raw materials for its green and digital transition, with targets for 2030 to increase extraction, recycling and processing in the EU.

Metals are used in semiconductors, electric vehicles, and high-tech industries.

(Reporting by Philip Blenkinsop and Charlotte Van Campenhout Writing by Estelle Shirbon and Philip Blenkinsop; Editing by Mark Potter)

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