How Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher pull off the impossible for a celebrity couple

When Mila Kunis And Ashton Kutcher first went public as an actual couple, the internet – and former co-stars – rejoiced.

Because apparently Jackie and Kelso’s teenage roller coaster romance That 70s show was more meaningful to people than anyone could have imagined, including the actors themselves.

“Michael & Jackie forever,” wrote a loyal commenter last week when Kutcher took to Instagram to declare himself “the luckiest man alive” thanks to his enduring partnership with his now eight-year-old wife. the couple who brought their own brand of fireworks to an exchange of vows on July 4, 2015.

And the couple never forgot their humble sitcom roots (they were happy to return as Mr. and Mrs. Kelso for That 90s show earlier this year), though they made it clear that their entire Fox sitcom wasn’t where the magic happened. Not even when Kunis shared her very first kiss in a scene with her on-screen boyfriend.

“I think we had to go through a lot in our lives to become the people we were. [when we finally got together]”, explained Kunis to howard stern. “We would never be together based on who we were.”

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis: A look back at the romance

So aren’t we glad we don’t have to worry about a version of Kunis and Kutcher that was not meant to be, because these two seem so perfectly suited for each other. And it would take such a match to achieve what these two have achieved over the past decade. (And we’re not talking about their controversial personal hygiene habits.)

Namely, despite the mass interest in their lives, the very photogenic couple mastered the art of hiding in plain sight early on.

Once they were together, of course.

Mila Kunis, Ashton Kutcher, Universal Studios Hollywood 2023

Josh Ortiz/Universal Studios Hollywood

“I never looked at him as someone who was beautiful, I never looked at him as someone who wasn’t,” recalls Kunis, who was 14 when she was cast as Jackie in 1998. It wasn’t until years later that she saw Kutcher — or more accurately, a big guy’s back — at an awards show and was blown away.

“And then he turned around and it was literally like we were in a movie, the music would start playing,” the actress said. “I think, for the first time, he took my breath away.”

Reader, she went home with him. But as they would both turn out to be down for the count, they started taking inspiration from their respective films and trying out the set. No strings attached/Friends with benefits game themselves.

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis’ home in Beverly Hills

The fact that they fell in love and they were really meant to be is a bit more of a Hollywood ending than most people who embark on this noble experiment end up getting, but how much they can start this way.

Additionally, Kunis was only about a year away from her eight-year relationship with Macaulay Culkinwho she had dated since she was 19, and Kutcher was still mired in divorce proceedings following the end of her six-year marriage to Half Mooreso they were also bouncing around with each other a bit.

Their respective experiences, however, culminated in a mutual desire to not make a big deal out of their own relationship — in public, that is — and it continued to be a shared goal.

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis

David Livingston/Getty Images

“You know, I learned the hard way how valuable privacy is,” Kutcher said in the April 2013 issue of She. “And I’ve learned that there are a lot of things in your life that really benefit from being private. And relationships are part of that. And I’m going to do everything in my power to make that relationship private. “

All these years later, that hasn’t changed, even when outside forces conspire against him.

In September 2019, Kutcher apparently sub-tweeted a response to the various headlines Moore’s new memoir had done, none of them painting the Punk visionary turned venture capitalist and movie star in a particularly flattering light.

“I was about to hit the button on a really sarcastic tweet,” he wrote. “Then I saw my son, my daughter and my wife and deleted it. [heart emoji]”

Then they went to Disneyland.

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Because if privacy is paramount when it comes to their family, which includes their daughter Isabelle Wyatt8 years old and son Dimitri Portwood, 6, they are not exactly recluses. On the contrary, they have struck a good balance between the fan-favorite Hollywood couple and the locals, not least because they are interesting people who have not detached themselves from the world around them, despite all the success.

The couple have historically shared political leanings and joined forces last year to raise more than $30 million for Kunis’ native Ukraine after Russia invaded in February 2022. “We’re going to do whatever we can,” Kutcher said in a thank you video. , “to ensure that the outpouring of love that has come from all of you through this campaign finds maximum impact with those in need.”

Of course, they then went to the Oscars. But they also do extraordinarily normal things, the expectation that they’re going to be where you are – hiking, doing yoga, watching (or kissing) a Dodgers game, eating eggs in the valley – just a LA lifestyle And while they both clean up impressively, they keep it very laid back in their day-to-day lives.

Mila Kunis, Ashton Kutcher

Splash News

Kunis even said she keeps her Tiffany diamond engagement ring in a safe, in case someone is inclined to ‘cut off my hand’ to steal it, although she is never without her wedding ring. , a $90 Etsy find.

Kunis, nominated for the Golden Globes for Black Swan in 2011, took a break after Wyatt’s birth, then got back into it with the 2016 comedy Bad moms. (And all the while she’s been enjoying the spoils of good work if you can get it by voicing Meg on family guy for almost 25 years.)

While promoting bad momsKunis got used to answering questions about her own approach to parenthood — and she was never shy about how difficult it was to pull off the job-kids-husband juggling act.

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“It was the only movie I did between baby one and baby two, so I changed my work schedule a bit,” she said on TODAY in 2016. “I think when I got pregnant with Wyatt, I put so much pressure on myself to figure out how I was going to balance work and life, and I realized that was impossible. literally devoured… When you make a film, you work on average 15 to 17 hours a day, I miss my baby all day, from waking up to going to bed. sadness.

In 2017, making her first red carpet appearance in months to tease bad moms christmas at CinemaCon in Las Vegas, she became aware of crazy nights out as a mother of two.

“My girlfriends and I went to a restaurant for dinner a month ago and I came home at 10:30 p.m. from a dinner party and took three penicillins, which is a delicious and delicious drink,” Kunis shared with E! News. “Hammered. Three drinks, I’m a very cheap date now.”

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But while time to devote to the still fairly glamorous business of filmmaking isn’t a conundrum most moms and dads face, her and Kutcher’s approach to raising children is firmly rooted in the values ​​they acquired long before they were famous. .

“We both come from a pretty solid background of poverty and grew up very shitty,” Kunis, 7 months pregnant, said of Australia. Kyle and Jackie O To show in August 2016. “Nothing was given to us. On the one hand it’s beautiful, [our kids will] They’ll never know what it’s like to have ketchup soup for dinner, but they’ll never know how to enjoy things.”

That being said, she added, she and Kutcher were going to do their best to “raise a kid not to be an asshole.”

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The couple didn’t hire a nanny until Kunis returned to work, so she would be up for late-night feedings and Kutcher was in charge of nappies.

THE Boy where’s my car? star also became “a master swaddler,” Kunis said Ellen Degeneres in 2015. “He can swaddle anyone’s baby. If your baby needs to be swaddled, he’ll do it. Call him. He’s a pro.”

They brought Wyatt to dinner parties, even those at trendy vegan restaurants, strapping into the car seat and folding the stroller like any family. And when Kunis fired The spy who dumped me with Kate McKinnon in 2017, the whole family went to Hungary for the summer, with her and Kutcher deciding that, whenever possible, they wanted the children to be accompanied.

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Despite Kutcher’s cross-platform social media presence and willingness to share a few more snaps with Kunis than he did at first, the no-nonsense duo kept Wyatt and Dimitri off Instagram. When Wyatt was born, his dad posted memorable photos of different babies and told fans they could guess which one was his.

The couple also benefited from a drop in the number of outlets that will publish paparazzi photos of celebrity children, a de facto deal spearheaded years ago by the eventual Kunis. bad moms co-star Kristen Bell allowing them to move around a little more comfortably while taking their children to shopping, to birthday parties, to school and other places everyone needs to take their children.

Neither Kutcher nor Kunis are really one to show off either, with Kutcher using his social media more for news commentary and Kunis simply going without.

Ashton Kutcher, Mila Kunis

Courtesy of the Los Angeles Dodgers

“What I do and who I am are two different things and, for me, it’s always been really important to keep those things separate,” Kunis explained on his non-existent social media footprint. Daily Telegraph. “I don’t want people to think they know me so well that they feel comfortable coming to my house uninvited. For security reasons, it wasn’t worth it. I’d rather have my privacy first.”

She also pointed to another reason why she and Kutcher are one of those couples that would seem like fun to have a beer with: an early morning beer, so everyone can be back at home. home in time to tuck the kids in.

“Obviously I’m the one being funny, let’s be honest,” she teased. “I will say he makes me laugh every day. Sixty years from now, when we’re in our rocking chairs and I’m wearing a muumuu, I hope he’s still here and I’m still laughing, because the most beautiful gift you can give yourself is to make yourself laugh.”

Sounds like a couple who won’t think they’re too cool for the early bird special at the local cafe.

(Originally published Mar 29, 2017 3:00am PT)

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