See which Kansas City neighborhoods supported and opposed the stadium tax

Nearly a week after the stadium tax ballot measure met a resounding defeat at the hands of Jackson County voters, new details continue to emerge about where the question saw the most — and least — support.

The interactive map below shows the extent of support for the “yes” option on the April 2 ballot question. Hover over a precinct to see the percentage of voters that supported the measure at that precinct’s polling place.

Overall, the stadium tax measure saw just slightly more support within Kansas City limits than it did in southern and eastern Jackson County.

Votes totaled by the Kansas City Election Board (KCEB), which are depicted on the map above, showed that 42.1% of voters chose “yes” on the question, compared to 41.8% of voters tallied by the Jackson County Election Board (JCEB).

JCEB precincts ranged from 24.4% support in Fort Osage to just over 55% in Lakewood. But, the variety of opinions on the ballot measure was greater in Kansas City than in the rest of Jackson County.

The greatest support for the stadium tax ballot measure within Kansas City limits was seen on the East Side in parts of Ward 14, where just over 64% of voters voted “yes.”

The lowest support came from sections of Ward 4 in Midtown, particularly the neighborhoods east of Hyde Park and west of Troost Avenue, where just under 18% of voters voted “yes.”

That means that both the strongest support and opposition to the measure came from within Kansas City, with precincts in the rest of Jackson County falling somewhere in between.

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