Belarusian president hospitalized after meeting Putin

Belarusian opposition leader Valery Tsepkalo said that after a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, self-proclaimed President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko was taken to Moscow Central Clinical Hospital in critical condition.

Source: Tsepkalo on Telegram

Quote: “According to the information available to us, which requires further confirmation, Lukashenko, after meeting Putin behind closed doors, was rushed to the Central Clinical Hospital in Moscow, where he is currently. Top specialists were sent to bring him back from a condition deemed critical by the doctors. [His – ed.] the blood was purified, Lukashenko’s condition was declared non-transportable.

The measures organized to save the Belarusian dictator were aimed at warding off speculation about a possible Kremlin participation in his poisoning. It does not matter whether he returns to working condition or not, doctors warn of a possible recurrence of relapses. “

Details: Later, Tsepkalo added that there was an attempt to explain Lukashenko’s stay in the administrative leadership of the President of the Russian Federation with a medical examination.

“The appearance of such a version is quite natural, as an attempt to hide the real condition of the patient, which is still critical. Previous cases of failing health were also tried to be silenced. And in this case, in order not to arouse suspicion, his plane was even sent to Minsk”, says the leader of the opposition.

Earlier: On May 24, Lukashenko took part in the Eurasian Economic Forum in Moscow. There, in particular, he said that Russian nuclear weapons had already begun to be transported to Belarus under bilateral agreements.


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