Crime scene investigators, police probe vandalism at CMS high school

Charlotte-Mecklenburg police were called to Mallard Creek High School Monday night after reports of vandalism.

ALSO READ: Senior prank at high school in Union County caused tens of thousands in damage

Channel 9′s Jonathan Lowe and his crew got to the school at about 10 p.m. and from outside, could see trash scattered across the hallway floors. Police and administrators were inside assessing what had happened earlier. Lowe was told the damage was significant.

A spokesperson with Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools told Lowe they were aware of the vandalism and was not sure who was responsible.

Crime scene investigators responded to the school in north Charlotte to investigate, as well.

A voice came over the school intercom to inform everyone not to clean up or touch anything because it was a crime scene.

>>> In the video at the top of this webpage, a look inside the school and the latest in the investigation.

The investigation is ongoing. We are working to learn more.

VIDEO: Senior prank at high school in Union County caused tens of thousands in damage

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