Jake Tapper Exposes GOP Hypocrisy With Obama Blast From The Past

CNN’s Jake Tapper on Thursday ripped conservatives for their relative silence after Donald Trump’s derogatory comments about U.S. servicemembers were confirmed by his former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly.

Tapper compared the lackluster reaction on the right to their meltdown in 2014 when then-President Barack Obama saluted a Marine with a cup of coffee in his hand.

“When Barack Obama saluted a Marine as president while holding a cup of coffee in his hand, that was Fox News’ banner headline for a week,” Tapper recalled. The lack of criticism of Trump from the right is “outrageous,” he added in a video shared online by Mediaite.

“Where are the Republicans, including the Nikki Haleys and the Ron DeSantises and the Tim Scotts who are running against Trump?” Tapper asked. “Why are they not saying anything about this sort of thing?”

At the time of the Obama “scandal,” multiple personalities on Fox News called it the “latte salute” with Sean Hannity claiming the then-POTUS had “displayed his complete disrespect” for those in uniform.

Watch the freakout on the conservative network here:


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