Putin and Kim Jong Un meet for possible arms negotiations. What was said?

North Korea’s Kim Jong Un and Russia’s Vladimir Putin met for the first time since 2019 Wednesday, sparking fears that the meeting could result in North Korea providing weapons and other military support to Russia.

The two leaders met for over four hours at the Vostochny Cosmodrome space center in the far eastern Amur region in Russia Wednesday, just days after the U.S. National Security Council warned that arms negotiations between the two countries are “actively advancing,” CNN reported.

Kim offers “full and unconditional support” to Russia

During their meeting, Kim expressed his support for Russia amid the war in Ukraine.

“Russia is currently engaged in a just fight against hegemonic forces to defend its sovereign rights, security and interests,” he said, according to The Associated Press. “The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has always expressed its full and unconditional support for all measures taken by the Russian government and I take this opportunity to reaffirm that we will always stand with Russia on the anti-imperialist front and the front of independence.”

Putin-Kim meeting sparks fear of possible arms deal

The meeting at the space center “suggests Kim is seeking Russian help in developing military reconnaissance satellites,” The Associated Press reported. Meanwhile, Russia is likely seeking ammunition and rockets from North Korea.

When asked by reporters if the two would discuss military cooperation, Putin responded, “We will talk about all issues without a rush. There is time.”

After the meeting, Kim said that the two reached a consensus “on further strengthening strategic and tactical cooperation, support and solidarity in the struggle to protect the sovereign right of security,” according to The New York Times.

North Korea fires missiles

Just a few hours before the meeting between the two leaders, North Korea fired two ballistic missiles into the East Sea, according to reports from Japan and South Korea.

Japan’s Ministry of Defense stated in a press release, “Although the details are currently being analyzed, it is estimated that all of the falls occurred in the Sea of ​​Japan on the east side of the Korean Peninsula, outside of Japan’s exclusive economic zone.”

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