Trump skipping second GOP debate to give competing speech in Detroit

Former President Donald Trump will skip the second Republican presidential primary debate next week in California to give a competing address the same night in Detroit, his campaign confirmed.

The exact time and audience are not yet clear, but the New York Times first reported Trump would skip the California debate in favor of remarks to a union crowd. Trump will speak in the same city where United Auto Workers members have taken to the picket lines to demand higher wages, better schedules and better benefits.

The former president’s upcoming address comes as polling shows he is the strong frontrunner in the Republican field, a reason he has given for skipping the debates entirely. The former president skipped the first GOP debate for a primetime interview with Tucker Carlson.

A new CBS News poll found Trump edging out President Biden in a head-to-head matchup, with Trump at 50% and Mr. Biden at 49%.

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