Trump Somehow Spins Hunter Biden News To Be All About Himself

Former President Donald Trump gave his two cents on the “sad situation” of Hunter Biden’s indictment before he spiraled into a rant about the “phony” investigations into him in an interview with “Meet the Press” on Thursday.

“I mean, nobody should be happy about this. I’m not happy about it. Nobody is. It’s a very sad thing. It’s so bad for our country,” said Trump in an interview with moderator Kristen Welker, who is replacing Chuck Todd on the program.

“But you know, if you think about it, I’ve been under investigation from the day I came down the escalator. A phony investigation. Fake investigations. Investigations that I beat every single time. Still under investigations. But it’s a very sad thing. And it’s a slippery slope, and dangerous, very dangerous for our country.”

Trump’s remarks arrive after a federal grand jury indicted President Joe Biden’s son on three gun charges.

Welker, earlier in the interview, asked the former president whether he can continue to say that there are “two systems of justice” in the wake of the Hunter Biden news.

Trump, who faces 91 charges among four criminal cases in total, and otherRepublicanshaveargued for months that the former president has been a victim of selective prosecution within the justice system.

“Well, I think there’s no question about it,” Trump replied.

He continued, pointing to the president’s son’s plea deal that fell apart in July: “He had a plea deal that was the deal of the century. The art of the deal, you could write a book on it – ‘The Art of the Deal’ – and all of a sudden it was broken up by a judge who was able to – a brilliant judge, actually – who was able to see through what was happening.”


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