Ukraine delivers nearly 2,000 AI-powered drones to the troops


Approximately 2,000 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with artificial intelligence (AI) software have been dispatched to frontline troops by the Army of Drones government program, Ukraine’s Digital Transformation Minister Mykhailo Fedorov said on Oct. 6.

“The Autel EVO MAX 4T drones were purchased with funds from the state program ‘Army of Drones,” Fedorov said in a Telegram post.

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“They will assist in safely carrying out reconnaissance, adjusting artillery fire, and uncovering even well-concealed Russian objectives thanks to AI.”

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According to the minister, the AI software automatically identifies various types of targets, tracks them from high altitudes, and sends the data to military commanders.

Read also: Ukrainian Tactical UAVs rain hell on $7 million worth Russian equipment in one night

“We send large batches of UAVs to the front every week, while attack squads of the ‘Army of Drones’ continue to set new records,” he added.

“Just last week, our soldiers took out 220 units of Russian hardware.”

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