Ukraine to consider fines for night clubs and bars violating curfew

Ihor Klymenko

Ukraine’s Interior Ministry is proposing to introduce fines for establishments and restaurants that violate curfew hours, under a bill submitted to the parliament, Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko told Ukrainian TV broadcasters on Oct. 11.

“We have prepared a bill; tomorrow, it will be sent to the [parliamentary] law enforcement committee,” said Klymenko.

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“This bill makes changes to the administrative code of Ukraine regarding the responsibility of business owners and individual entrepreneurs for the operation of such establishments.”

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Klymenko specified that he was referring to night clubs and restaurants, the restrictions on their operation, and the control over their work when it comes to violating the curfew that has been in place since February 2022.

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“We propose that these fines should amount to UAH 34,000–170,000 ($930–4,660) for first-time violations,” the minister clarified.

“If such violations are detected for the second time within a year — from UAH 340,000 ($9,320) to 680,000 ($18,640).”

Klymenko said he believes the Ukrainian parliament will consider the bill in the coming weeks.

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